Monday, November 12, 2012

Why do people believe homeschooling familes are just Conservative Christians?

                                  This image shows a conservative religious idea of the post I am writing about.


             Why is it homeschooling is mostly stereotyped as Conservative Christian families? We as a family do believe in God and we also teach about God in our daily lessons. I personally do tend to lean towards the conservative view too! But with that being said, we don’t seclude are kids to only conservative Christian families or views. Because we do believe in teaching our girls that there are all types of families with different views out there. Yes, we do choose to teach subjects with bible verses and we do say the pledge of allegiance every day before we start our daily lessons. It’s very important to recognize “Gods’ country” and the troops and veterans that are serving and have served to protect all of us.

          This is something that has been taken out of the public school systems for the most part. Along with Merry Christmas being another thing that is slowly being taken out of the system too. I am not sure why this is? I mean our country is the one we all live in. If you live in America, you need to be proud and thankful to live in a country where you can choose what you believe personally! I have noticed with the results of Obama taken office that a lot of people are not happy with this, rather it was a Democrat making fun at the Republicans rubbing this in or vice versa the Republicans are very sadden by the results so anger is surfacing. It’s getting out of hand with the hate between all the divisions rather its religion, politics, and education. They all tie in with each other. Not one person has it all down. I am constantly learning on a daily basis. I still think each of those issues is individually approved instead of just accepted. Ok maybe someone doesn’t believe in my views of homeschooling or that I believe in God and teach this to our children. This is our choice because we do live in America, just like I accept you for you and what you choose to do with your children. I have never judged one because they choose to put their children in the public school system. Nor have I ever judged someone because they don’t believe in God or something else! We all have our own journeys to lead; everyone should come together and not fall apart! I do feel like this is why there are so many issues with home-schooling being accepted in society’s eyes. I have many friends who have their children in the public school system and are from all walks of life. I would never separate my children from them. These are great, smart children too I might add. This is America and while we have the right to choose what we believe and how we educate our children, we should try and care about everyone. We need to accept that people are different. Homeschooling is different, to some extent but not by much when compared to public schooling. It’s definitely an issue to a lot of people though. I do think that a lot of people who look down on homeschooling have not done any research to prove their ideas of home-schooling. If you are one of those people take time to do the research before jumping to conclusions that homeschooled kids are unsocialized, conservative, religious, weird kids. I usually hear one of those remarks if I am in conversation with someone who has not done their research. The biggest stereotype in homeschooling is homeschoolers are super religious.

         Even though we believe in God, we are not religious. There is a difference too! We also believe in Republican views more than we do Democratic views. I still care to listen to everyone’s views and ideas though. I just wish everyone thought this way really. The freedom of homeschooling allows us as parents to teach what we believe as a family and this is why it’s appealing to religious conservatives (Kunzman, 2010). This is one of the many reasons why we choose to home-school too. Also the flexibility to choose what I want to teach my children was really exciting. Darwinian evolution and its teaching in the public school system is another big reason a lot of homeschooling parents are against their children being in the school system (Kunzman, 2010).This issue matters a lot to my husband. He always looks over the material I get each year to teach our children. So it is not teaching false information. Now I am not a teacher in the sense of being ready to teach large groups of kids I don’t know but I do know there is No One who can teach my children better than I can (Kunzman, 2010)!

      When society knows someone is being home-schooled they automatically categorize them as Conservative Christians, when in fact Muslim-Americans are among the fastest growing homeschoolers in the United States (Kunzman, 2010). Again you can be from all walks of life and still home-school your children. I do hope one day people will understand that homeschooling children are just as normal as a public school educated children no matter what kind of book work and beliefs they are being taught at home. Parents should have authority over their children’s education with barely any state regulation (Kunzman, 2010). This is a God given right to conservative Christians (Kunzman, 2010).

        Understanding why homeschoolers choose to home-school is the first step. A 2007 survey on parents who decided to home-school were asked why they chose to do so and 83% pointed at moral and religious reasoning’s (Kunzman, 2010). Homeschooling Mom’s strive to be strongly involved in their child’s day to day life while at home (Kunzman, 2010). I do really try and be a part of my children’s life and know what’s going on with each of them personally each day. It’s important to know the influence a child is receiving too. Rather it’s from an adult or child, children are truly impressionable and will follow what they see. Shrugging it off and saying their interactions in a public school setting is real life lessons is just plain out ridiculous. It’s crazy to me to see people go straight to that as their reasoning on why a child should be in the school setting. All I have to say is “really”? I wonder who started this theory. I hear this from people that have no clue what home-education is. The fact is homeschoolers deal with the real world on a daily basis. They actually deal with all types of people and children. Not just a specific age group. All while interacting in the actual real world every day.

        Times are changing and people need to catch up! We need these next generations to be strong and know how to love and accept people for who they are. Also when it comes to politics, religion, and education we need to come together as a nation and not be so divided. They all relate in one way or another believe it or not. Always remember to not be so quick to judge and makes false statements about homeschoolers before doing your research on your own. Hearing what society says in general will just be false in some cases just like most things in life. Especially when you get your info from someone who does not truly understand what home education is. Don’t follow the crowd and educate yourself. You might be surprised!




Kunzman(Kunzman, 2010), Homeschooling and religious fundamentalism. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, Retrieved October 2010, from Education Research Complete.
We are Christians and we believe including God in our homeschooling lesson is important when teaching from each subject. We are not super religious but we do believe in “God”. Homeschooling allows for a family to add their beliefs in daily lessons as well. This article share opinions and examples of families who are Christians or other religions that home-school. Homeschooling is great because of the flexibility and the way a family can add their views with each daily lesson.

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